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Our team of professional resume writers are here to work with you on your resume and help you get more interviews.
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Frequently asked questions
What qualifications do TopResume writers have?
We have a network of over 1,200 writers, including certified career coaches, former and current hiring managers, HR professionals, recruiters and professionals with specialized experience in over 65 industries. This ensures we can match each client with an expert who is a strong match for their needs. TopResume recruits and vets our writers based upon the value they can bring to our clients.
What is TopResume’s 60-day guarantee?
Professionally written resume get results. Our team of professional resume writers are trained to position you as an achiever, which will help you find a job faster.
If you are not receiving two times more job interviews within 60 days of receiving your professionally-written resume, we will write it again one time, free-of-charge. You must notify us in writing within 180 days of receiving your final copy. Only certain packages are eligible for our guarantee.