We're here to help people like you through the job search.
Our team is made up of professional writers across the globe with experience in Human Resources, Recruiting, Career Coaching, and job search strategy. We write resumes that will get past the automated recruiting software used to screen out applicants and stand out to recruiters for all the right reasons.
65 industries
range of writer expertise.
1,500+ writers
all over the country.
Over one million
careers changed.
How it works
Get matched
with an
expert writer
Work one-on-one to craft
your career story
Get your perfect job-winning CV.
What you’ll get
When you place an order with TopResume, you’ll fill out a questionnaire with details about your career goals and achievements. At this stage, we’ll ask you to share job postings for the specific roles you are targeting. That way, you can be sure that you’re getting a resume tailored to your targeted roles. We’ll include search-friendly keywords, such as prospecting, lead generation, and client relationship management (CRM). After you receive the first draft, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with your writer to fine-tune the document.